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The Best Gym Equipment for Your Home Gym

A home gym set up

You have decided to set up a home gym and have adjusted your budget, now there are some questions awaiting answers such as what equipment you should choose or what floor covering is the best for the perfect home gym experience.

Maybe you want to equip your gym with fancy sports equipment, but be careful and don’t buy any items that you don’t ever use.


Generally, most people set their home gym to a spare room, basement or garage. Of course, the space available in these areas and the height of the ceiling will have a significant impact on your equipment choices. Natural lighting and air quality in your environment are very important for the optimal benefits you will get from your training sessions.


The floor of your home gym is very important since it is essential for protecting your equipment and floors. The floor should be covered with a flooring material like a non-slip rubber that is stiff enough to sustain weights.

A rubber cushioning will prevent the wear of the floor when you workout with heavy dumbbells and barbells.

You can choose a thick and non-slip carpet if you think a rubber mat will cost too much.

Also, your floor should be easy to clean to keep your home gym dust-free. Many people prefer a home gym over a local gym for hygiene since they can control the cleanliness of the environment.


You can place a large mirror on the wall where you can watch yourself during the exercises and see whether you are doing the exercise with correct form. It is also a good idea to have a few posters on the walls to increase your motivation.

A girl in home gym working out with free weights.

Equipment Selection

The fitness goals you want to achieve, the space you have, and your budget will play a role in your equipment selection.

Cardio Machines

Having a cardio machine in your home gym is also very important. They are great fat burners and very important for warming up for preventing injuries.


Perfect for warming or a serious cardio routine. Many models have adjustable inclination which can increase the intensity level of the exercise. Most models show you the average calories burned, your heart rate, and the total distance. We recommend buying a foldable treadmill even you have enough space because you will probably need more space in the future. Treadmills are big machines and they occupy a large space in your home gym.


Ellipticals provide high-level cardio exercise and also keep the whole body in shape.

Rowing Machine

It strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back, making it a full-body workout machine. It is a great cardiovascular exercise machine and perfect for weight loss and stamina building.

Building Muscle

For building muscle there are many types of equipment you can use.

Adjustable Dumbbells

Adjustable Dumbbells

We can’t think of a home gym without any dumbbells. Dumbbells have many benefits and do not take up much space. They are perfect for isolation movements, and when used properly they are great muscle builders.

Adjustable Bench

If you look into any fitness workout you will see basic exercises like the bench press, dumbbell fly, etc, and having a good, stable adjustable bench is very important for these exercises.

Home Gym Station

It is very hard to hit every muscle at home with just using free weights so home gyms are great for some variation. With home gym stations, it is very easy to switch from one exercise to another and adjusting the weight.

Safety is another important advantage when you workout at home since you are usually alone.  So it is safer to lift heavier weights with a home-gym station than free weights.